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Pay our one-time fee of at least $20 to upgrade to Pro and enjoy a GPT that's 10 times faster and smarter.

Commission and API usage fees

Earn 70% Commission

When users, including yourself, utilize your AI Solutions, you will receive a 70% commission from the sales.

API Cost

You are responsible for any costs incurred while using OpenAI or other service APIs.

API Processing Fee

If you choose to use the MAIDEPOT API key, the following charges apply:

  • External API usage fees
  • An additional 30% platform processing fee / 10% discount on subscription

These charges will be billed separately.

AI Solution Usage Fees

Language models based Applications

Choose from various models with unique capabilities and price points. Pricing is per 1,000 tokens, equivalent to approximately 750 words.

Base ModelsFeeInvest $10 and receiveā€¦
GPT-4 8K contextPrompt: $0.06
Response: $0.12
Around 200 pages
GPT-4 32K contextPrompt: $0.12
Response: $0.24
Around 100 pages
GPT-4 Turbo 128K contextPrompt: $0.02
Response: $0.06
Around 200 pages
GPT-3.5-TurboCompletion: $0.004

Prompt: $0.003

Around 4,000 pages
GPT-3.5-Turbo 16K context

Completion: $0.008

Prompt: $0.006
Around 2,600 pages
DALL-E21024 * 1024: $0,04250 images
DALL-E3 (standard)1 * 1024 * 1024 : $0.08125 images
DALL-E3 (HD)1 * 1024 * 1024 HD : $0.16Around 62 images
SDXL1 * 1024 * 1024: $0.064250 images
DeeplCharacter: $0.00003
Around 120 pages

Fine-tuning models or AI mashup solution

This AI Solution application price will be set by its creator.